What’s classic, what’s new, and what’s happening in the world of Japanese food + design.
Whether it’s Japanese food or a rice bowl, we have the best.
All products reflect hyper-traditional or ultra-contemporary Japanese design aesthetics including:

Is this item a venerable design or product that has or will stand the test of time? Is it simplified in a way that bestows an elegance in how it appears and in how it is used? Has everything superfluous been removed?
Is this item a venerable design or product that has or will stand the test of time? Is it simplified in a way that bestows an elegance in how it appears and in how it is used? Has everything superfluous been removed?

Has the designer or producer found new approaches or leveraged fresh thinking in function, materials, textiles or technology? Japanese designs are celebrated for combining centuries-old traditions with cutting edge technology to surprise and delight. Does this product advance design or product standards in new directions?
Are there handmade characteristics in the product that combat the fatigue of mass production? Does the item pay homage to the generations of Japanese craftspeople who pass down traditional techniques, tools and businesses to their children and grandchildren- many of whom have been designated Living National Treasures by the Japanese Government?

Culturally Relevant
Does the product incorporate an awareness, understanding, and responsiveness to the beliefs, values, customs, institutions and heritage of Japan and the Japanese?
Japanese Holidays and Seasons
The geography and topography of Japan provide four distinct
seasons that create an ever-changing kaleidoscope of nature that is celebrated across all aspects of Japanese culture including culinary, visual, traditional, performing and horticultural arts. The appreciation of these nuances of nature were codified during the Heian Period which produced the classic body of Japanese literature and art.
Later, during the Edo Period, the four basic seasons were further divided into 72 micro seasons which reflect a close contemplation of nature and the subtle ways the world changes every 5 days. Birds, animals, fish, insects, trees, vegetables, colors and patterns all bear a specific relevance and symbolism that are categorized in each of the 72 micro seasons of Japan.
Traditional Japanese holidays reflect this symbolism and add stories, games and cuisine that are celebrated in traditional and new ways each year.

Relates to JACCC Programs
The JACCC mission is to curate inclusive programs and authentic experiences that continue our living traditions and nurture the next generation of innovative artists, culture-bearers, and thinkers. Our programming in the culinary, visual, traditional and performing arts is designed to connect people to that promise. The JACCC store will provide products that 11 are tied to these events, classes and immersive experiences, allowing guests to take a memory of that experience home.
Educational Merit for Children
JACCC collaborates with our Master Artist in Residence to ensure all programs and products reflect the tenents of authentic Japanese culture and design. We seek to transmit our traditions in ways that stimulate children’s imaginations and creative play, while giving them new ways to see the world.

Respectful of the Earth
We embrace the Japanese concept of mottainai もったいない which conveys a sense of appreciating and honoring the Earth and all its resources, and a regret over wasteful practices. This applies to product selections, packaging and food which are curated to respect our sacred natural resources.

Kanso 簡素
Simplicity or elimination of clutter.
Omission or exclusion of the non-essential.
Fukinsei 不均整
Capturing asymmetry or irregularity.

Shibui 渋味
Beautiful by being understated.
Ma 間
An open space of time.
An interval—an active void—that prompts the
viewer, or participant, to complete what is missing.

Mono no Aware 物の哀れ
Awareness of impermanence.
A transient melancholy, connected to the passing of all life and an appreciation of fleeting beauty.
Wabi Sabi 侘寂
Perfectly imperfect.
Flawed beauty—a way of living that sees beauty in imperfections and peacefully embraces the
natural cycle of growth and decay.

Yugen 幽⽞
Suggestion rather than revelation.
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